From a toilet bowl with hand-drawn Prada logos to a McDonald’s value meal in mock Hermés wrapping paper, New York-based artist Tom Sachs (1966-) has created humorous works he describes as “handmade readymades.” Sachs has participated in numerous international exhibitions, while continuing to receive high acclaim from some of the world’s most prestigious super-brands.
“Tom Sachs: Tea Ceremony” is an exhibition in which elements of “contemporary” meet the traditions of “chanoyu.” Previously shown in the United States, this occasion celebrates the exhibition’s first and long-awaited presentation in Japan. Tom Sachs engages with the practice and culture of the tea ceremony with utmost sincerity, recognizing its spirit and values as an essential aspect of human activity in the context of the 21st century space exploration era. The image of Japan reflected through his unique ideas and perspectives serves as a valuable opportunity for viewers to encounter new values and ways of looking at the world.
Pam, 2013.
Copyright Tom Sachs. Courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery.
Tea House, 2011.
Copyright Tom Sachs. Courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery.